Jamming with a Ghost

Jamming with a Ghost bulavira andriy vasylenko bass
Jamming with a Ghost (2022)


“Jamming with a Ghost” is based on one of last bass riffs Andriy made before russian invasion. It was previously featured in a video called “Wrote this riff while coffee’s boiling”. The very audio recording’s used for the track. So, in some way, a ghost plays bass for it.

We needed another tune by the end of 2022, in order to keep a streak of quarterly releases. Several demos were in progress, but all the ideas required more time to ripen. To meet the deadline, we had to sacrifice complexity, but make up for it with a vibe.

And so, literally a couple days before Christmas, Andriy comes across this old bass riff, figures out guitar arrangement, and then Ben gives it final touches. Even though the composition sounds simple, it contains some intricate nuances that musical nerds would appreciate. Tabs may help you discern those, link below.

The cover art is a photo of the first sun rays penetrating a bomb-shelter, where Andriy had spent nights in March 2022.

Enjoy Jamming with a Ghost on all streaming services, Spotify and Apple Music included, music video is live on YoutubeBonuses (demos) are available on BandCamp. Download tabs here.